Monday, February 13, 2012

Thai Green Curry with Chicken

The purpose of this blog is to encourage college students like myself to cook meals that seem daunting (and impressive to the unsuspecting dinner guest) - but are actually extremely easy. Nothing complicated - except for maybe the title. That way when your date or boss or even your downstairs room mates come over for dinner they are wowed - and also none the wiser. So where better to start than Thai food. Thai dishes traditionally seem to have about 800 ingredients in them - but this curry has just nine, and that includes the chicken and rice. 

Thai Green Curry

4 chicken breasts (I go with boneless and skinless)
1 (or 1 1/2) cans of coconut milk (NOT coconut water)
3 tsp fish sauce
2 1/2 heaped tbsp Thai green curry paste (if you like spicy add more)
1 heaped tsp brown sugar (but can leave out if you don't already have it)
2 lemons
2 cups basmati rice 
green beans (to your liking - or the limits of the bag)
1 bunch of fresh cilantro 

Swish a little bit of olive oil around in a pan and heat to medium. Cut up your chicken into nice sized chunks, about 5 or 6 per breast depending on the size and throw them in the pan. Remember when you're cutting that chicken shrinks up when you cook it. Season the chicken with some salt and pepper. 

When the chicken is cooked through take it off the heat and set aside. Wash out pan and return it to medium heat on the stove. Pour in your can and a bit of coconut milk. As that simmers add in the fish sauce, curry paste, and brown sugar. I am a huge fan of lemons so I add the juice of 1 and a half lemons to the curry as it cooks. Then plonk the squeezed out lemons down in the sauce - you would be surprised how much flavor is left in them. Add the chicken, stir that around and reduce the heat. Simmer while you cook your rice and beans. 

Follow the instructions on the basmati rice package -- about 2 cups of rice to 8 cups of water. I like Mahatma brand the best and it is only about $6 for a bag that will last you a good long while. 

If you like to cheat - like me - buy the green beans that are already cleaned and in the microwaveable bag. Microwave them for about 15 seconds less that it says to ensure they stay crunchy. 

Then assemble: a scoop of rice on the bottom, then the curry with some chicken, then add a handful of green beans, then a sliver of lemon from the remaining half, and finally top it all with some cilantro. I just wash the bunch and chop the leaves off over the bowls with scissors. 

You can make this in individual bowls, or in one big bowl -- just be sure to remember that the rice absorbs a lot of the flavor of the curry -- so don't add too much rice or you will lose a lot of the flavor. 

And มีคุณไป! 

(I hope that's Thai for voila!) 

Easy, quick and delicious on a college dime.

1 comment:

  1. Made this for a group the other night - it took about 20 mins and I was told it was better than the thai restaurant's round the corner! Highly recommended!
