Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Debaucherous Dark Chocolate Brownies

I am calling these treats brownies because chocolate is their most prominent ingredient. But they aren’t really brownies – these have yet to be named. Some friends have been calling them a “four layer finish”, rather than brownies. That’s because they are beyond brownies – mega brownies – slutty brownies. They are diet shatteringly moreish and a best friend hug in one bite. They taste like things you remember from when you were younger, but all grown up.

I decided to make these for a friend who is getting some very exciting test scores back today. These brownies cannot be made just any day of the week – they are a special occasion treat. Today is a very special occasion and worth being a little bit wicked – in both senses of the word.

Debaucherous Dark Chocolate Brownies

1 box dark chocolate brownie mix (extra fudgy)
1 box chocolate chip cookie mix
1 box double stuff oreos
1 bag mini marshmallows
1 little bag of pecans (about ½ cup – see baking aisle)
½ cup vegetable oil
3 eggs
1 stick butter

The above ingredients apply to my specific kind of cookie and brownie mix – Betty Crocker. Read the directions on the back of your boxes to ensure that you have everything before you start.

Preheat oven to 350. Grease a 9 x 13 baking dish. Mix the chocolate chip cookies according to the directions. Spread the mixture in a thin layer on the bottom of the dish:

Then line rows of Oreos across the cookie dough, leaving a little space between each one. Eat the broken ones along the way:

Fill the holes with mini marshmallows. Mallows are surprisingly low cal, so grab a handful as you sprinkle this layer:

Mix the brownie mixture and stir in the pecans. Pour the mixture over the top of the other layers.

Bake for 30-40 mins, or until a fork comes out (almost) clean – you still want them to be a little bit gooey.

Have your glass of milk ready for when these come out of the oven and prepare yourself – you will be surprised how many of these you can eat in one sitting. Speaking of eating 12 brownies in one sitting – for your friends’ sake I would save these for celebration rather than commiseration, they could end up making break ups, exam weeks and PMS even worse than the usual 2 gallons of ice cream.

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