Wednesday, February 22, 2012

College Quiche Lorraine

Quiche is a great thing to make right after the weekend - when you have all of that stuff in your fridge that you had high hopes of eating at that banquet you planned on Friday, the casual dinner party for 20 on Saturday, and of course that church brunch on Sunday. None of which really happened. But your tortilla chips are all gone instead. 

Quiche accommodates all kinds of flavors: cheeses, meat (although I tend to use deli meats and bacon most frequently), and all kinds of vegetables -- from spinach to broccoli and even tomatoes. Just whatever is quickly approaching its sell by date in your fridge. So for this one I used prosciutto, a bit of bacon, mushrooms, an onion and green onions -- and wow it was great. Good for dinner tonight and lunch tomorrow. This one is pretty breakfast-y too so maybe I'll eat it then -- although that might just be the college kid in me talking. 

College Quiche Lorraine

1 package prosciutto (or ham)
4 strips of bacon (cooked) (plus a piece for snacking while you cook)
Half a package of mushrooms -- chopped up
1/2 onion diced
1/4 cup (rough) green onions (tops and bottoms mixed)
1 1/2 cups heavy cream
1/2 cup milk
4 eggs 
pinch of nutmeg
1 large cup of grated cheese (I used sharp white cheddar)

1 Pillsbury pie crust (I used my leftover from chocolate pie)

Preheat the oven to 400 and lay your piecrust in the pan. Poke some holes in the bottom of it with a fork and line the pastry with foil, add some rice or dry beans onto the foil (so that the pastry doesn't rise) and place the piecrust in the oven and bake for 10-12 minutes. 

Drizzle a tiny bit of oil into a pan and add the mushrooms and onion. Cook for about 4 mins then add the green onions. Then take a pair of scissors and chop pieces of the prosciutto into the pan. Cook together for about 3 mins. Take off the heat and crumble in the bacon. At this point your piecrust will be ready. 

Lower the oven temp to 375. In a bowl combine the eggs, cream and milk and whisk very vigorously. The only way your quiche can go wrong is by not having these ingredients thoroughly integrated. Add some nutmeg and quite a few shakes of pepper. You can add a little salt if following this recipe -- but remember cheese, prosciutto and bacon are all extremely salty. 

Line the bottom of the semi cooked pastry with the mushroom mixture. Then cover that with the cheddar cheese. Pour the cream and egg mixture over the top of the other ingredients and fill the pastry until it is almost full -- remember this won't rise too much so fill 'er up. 

Cook in the oven for about 35 mins. It will be golden brown on the top and it will make your room mates want to do this:

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