Monday, March 26, 2012

Baked Oatmeal

Brunch is a funny thing. We all associate it with being a treat because our hectic Mon-Fri doesn’t permit for eggs benedict and French toast, and for that reason I love it. Everyone is happy at brunch. Here in Charlottesville brunch means either your parents are in town, your friends parents are in town, or the night before was so notable that you have to celebrate it again with friends. Rehash it over hash browns.

But what do you do when brunch is at someone’s house, and everyone has to bring something? You cant bring pancakes because you cant really use their stovetop. Eggs are too much pressure because they get cold in about 3 minutes and then no one wants them. Biscuits out of a can? That’s cheating. Fruit salad? Way too much work just to be “the person who brings fruit”. Instead - make baked oatmeal.

Aesthetically pleasing (particularly here, all thanks to my photographer friend Grace), healthy and it is different. Good piping hot and at room temp.

Baked Oatmeal

2 cups rolled oats (don’t get the instant kind)
½ cup pecan pieces
1/3 cup brown sugar – plus a little extra
1 tsp baking powder
2 tsp cinnamon
pinch salt
2 cups milk
1 egg
4 tbsp butter – melted
1 tbsp vanilla
I have used bananas, blackberries, blueberries and raspberries before. All the berries work really well. The bananas dry out pretty easily so make sure you have SUPER ripe ones if you are using them. If not stick to berries. Have about a package of each: about 2/3 – 1 cup. If you use the nambos use about four.

Maple syrup

Preheat oven to 375. Combine the wet and dry ingredients in separate bowls. Cut the banana (if using) into slices and loosely line the bottom of a Pyrex dish. Then sprinkle on the berries, saving a few out. Pour the dry oat mixture on top. Then cover the oats with the milk mixture. Sprinkle the remaining berries and nuts on top. Drizzle a little syrup over it all and bake for about 45 mins. Serve with more syrup or just plain. 

1 comment:

  1. I like this one because it's not overly sweet - and I found that the bananas add a really good change in texture - definitely worth throwing in!
